The First Step Toward Making Your Own Petfood

Please Don’t Just Skip To the End

This is a Call to Arms and Plea For You to Make a Commitment

The easiest way to feed your pet from ingredients that you provide yourself, is to start with a nutrient-rich powder, developed by Dr. Richard Pitcairn, and available in the book that I recommended you buy. His book not only talks about specific ailments, it also has recipes, and goes into great detail about the nutrient content of different ingredients, the cost comparison between different types of meat, grains, and so forth.

Basically, however, although I do think the book is the best one you could buy on the subject, and certainly goes into great detail if you want it, the gist of what he is saying is that if you stick to certain proportions of whole healthy grains and vegetables, and healthy meats, depending on whether you are feeding a cat or a dog, the result is that you will avoid the illnesses caused by commercial pet foods.

There are a number of commercial petfoods available today, through specialty stores and online, that come pretty close, and may enable you to have a pretty healthy pet, but they are very expensive and not readily available. The average pet owner, shopping in the grocery store–which most do–or even in their local pet shop, will not have access to these, or even know about them.

Even more sadly, the average pet owner doesn’t even know that the petfood they are feeding their animals is making them ill, and thereby costing them a fortune at the vet. If you look in animal magazines or on line, you will see the proliferation of animal heath insurance plans, a very new concept, as insurance companies cash in on this new phenomenon of a huge increase in the number of sick pets and the equally enormous rise in the cost of vet care. It is very similar to the phenomenon going on in the human health care industry.

Because they have to be careful not to disturb their advertisers: the pet insurance companies, and the pet med companies, these magazines, and many online sites as well, when they write articles, watch their p’s and q’s, and don’t step on any toes or make any waves. Their pet health articles and petfood recipes are wishy-washy at best, and full of misinformation.

Like the author of the book Mad Cowboy,  which I read long ago and which is now in it’s levendy-seventh printing, and his famous epic battle along with Oprah, against the cattle industry, I’m not afraid of offending anybody. I’m trying to spread the word. I’m trying to counteract the deliberate misinformation that this petfood–veterinary–pet-insurance–pet-medication Industrial Complex is spreading. It is very much like the medical-insurance-pharmaceutical Industrial Complex that is feeding on the easily preventible explosion of bad health in the human population, and which it is modeled on. They want it. They profit from it. They promote it. I don’t know if I’m coining a phrase here. If I am it won’t be the first time, but I’m going to call it the Pet Health Industrial Complex.

I would like you, (this is the call-to-arms part) because, by the very fact that you are reading this, you do know more than the average pet owner, to make a commitment to help educate your friends. Unfortunately, a lot of them are simply not going to want to hear it. I’ve learned that the hard way.

But it’s worth trying, because in our economy, this phenomenon is causing many people to simply not be able to afford pets or to be able to afford to have them neutered, which in turn leads to a huge increase in the number of pet animals destroyed in shelters each year. And now, without further ado, the recipe for Healthy Powder:

Dr. Richard Pitcairn’s Healthy Powder

  1. 2 cups brewer’s yeast (the less “refined” the better)
  2. 1 cup lecithin powder
  3. ¼ cup kelp powder
  4. 4 tablespoons bonemeal powder (it varies in quality and nutrient  content, Kal Brand is the highest quality)
  5. 1000 milligrams Vitamin C Powder (unless you are going to be using quite a lot of this, buying a bottle of this, grind up a 1000 mg. tablet and take the rest yourself. One a day.

My product, when it is finished will have many more powdered nutrients in it, but this, mixed with the right proportions of raw meat, and pure healthy vegetable ingredients in the right proportions, will keep your pet infinitely healthier than a diet of commercial pet food, no matter how expensive.

Should you feed your pet any cooked meat, you will need to add digestive enzymes to counteract the stress of producing the enzymes, one of the plethora of problems with commercial pet food: It’s cooked.

But, I can’ write it all in one article. It’s not readable that way. It needs to be like the chapters of a book. Divided up. But I will make a separate and easy to reach page with the Healthy Powder Recipe on it.

About Pet Helper Products

I have a degree in human nutrition, and sadly, began to realize in the late 1980s that I was killing my pets with the pet food that I was feeding them, some of it prescription, that vets had not only prescribed, but told me that the animal in question was to have no table scraps, no human food of any sort, and no other petfood. It was a long, cruel and horrible death, in the case of a dearly loved dog, and I lost more than one cat in a similar manner. When I realized this. When the light finally dawned, I began, in the mid-1990s to read every book I could get my hands on, both American and Canadian, and what I learned truly horrified me. I began to make petfood, for both dogs and cats that I sold at a local farmer's market. The need to freeze it in order to sell it commercially, although they do that in some areas of the country now, was what started me on my quest to develop a product to enable pet owners to make healthy, nutritious, cheap petfood at home that will keep their animals out of the vet's office and out of the hands of the extremely lucrative petfood and pet pharmaceuticals industries.
This entry was posted in Cat Health, Cats, Dog Health, Dogs, Euthanasia in Animal Shelters, Home-made Pet Food, pet diseases, Pet Food, Pet Food, Pet Health, Pet Health Industrial Complex, Pet Health Insurance, Pets, Spay/Neuter Costs, Veterinary Costs and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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