Changes We Must Make

The state of commercial pet products: their rapid deterioration and inadequate state has caused me to see this as a even more urgent matter than I had realized. In the time I had taken off from my studies of pet nutrition, pet health, the pet food industry, and pet food, that not only had there been a number of scandals involving the recall of hundreds of brands of pet food and the deaths of thousands of animals, these exposes were apparently seen as merely the cost of doing business.

Even the immense amount of money that the recall and the ensuing lawsuit were such a drop in the bucket compared to the money that they were making, that they not only didn’t stop; they assumed that the American Public had been deadened to the issue to the point that they forged ever more boldly ahead. Cat food is now at a point that I predict that by the next generation of cats, the food will simply be incapable of sustaining life, and in fact may be at that point already.

Just in the last year, the amount of time since I last read the ingredients on the petfood bags in Walmart, the situation has deteriorated, despite the bad PR the manufacturers are getting in the conventional press.

Richard Pitcairn, DVM

Something has to be done, and many people are working on this problem. We feel we’re very close to having the best product on the market. Every bit of time you spend making your own pet food will save you hundreds at the vet’s, and I promise you details, but I’m just getting this blog up and running after migrating it, and it’s taking me a little time just to get the posts back on with the right tags and categories and what not.

I promise you recipes, and other things you can do for your pet, that will be keep them out of the vet, but for now, I will  say, t hat after reading virtually every book on the subject, I settled on one that I would recommend as “the” book that a pet owner should have, in the way that if you could have only one cookbook, It would be the Joy of Cooking. This book is called  Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide To Natural Health For Dogs and Cats. The link leads to a site that shows an interview with Dr. Pitcairn.

This book is chock full of recipes and sections on illnesses of every type. It even contains a guide to the relative prices of various types of meats. No pet owner should be without it!

About Pet Helper Products

I have a degree in human nutrition, and sadly, began to realize in the late 1980s that I was killing my pets with the pet food that I was feeding them, some of it prescription, that vets had not only prescribed, but told me that the animal in question was to have no table scraps, no human food of any sort, and no other petfood. It was a long, cruel and horrible death, in the case of a dearly loved dog, and I lost more than one cat in a similar manner. When I realized this. When the light finally dawned, I began, in the mid-1990s to read every book I could get my hands on, both American and Canadian, and what I learned truly horrified me. I began to make petfood, for both dogs and cats that I sold at a local farmer's market. The need to freeze it in order to sell it commercially, although they do that in some areas of the country now, was what started me on my quest to develop a product to enable pet owners to make healthy, nutritious, cheap petfood at home that will keep their animals out of the vet's office and out of the hands of the extremely lucrative petfood and pet pharmaceuticals industries.
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